We provide various software programs under the following categories:

  • On-Line Data Management Service
  • Data Management Programs
  • Instrument Setup / Configuration Programs
  • Programs to Download


Data Management Software service is a windows service that performs four main functions:

  • Communications (telemetry) management
  • Station configuration and management
  • Data Collection and storage to a DBMS(Database Management System)
  • Data dissemination (DBMS, serial, TCP/IP, email, SMS)

A team of dedicated software engineers specialize in Hydrological, Meteorological and communication software. We also provide commercial software for forecaster workstations, Data Management Software and Instrument setup and configuration programs. Our data communication and archival software “DMS” is high potent system for on-line determination of flood warning parameters and advance analysis of data.

PHAME’s mission is to design and provide our customers with instruments that are easy to configure and use. An integral element towards this mission is enabling our sensors, loggers and telemetry modems to provide outputs that can easily be processed by other third party databases, data management, modeling, forecasting or GLS software programs.

Customization of software to suit to user’s demands is our strength.